Tuesday Tips- Got White Space?


Advertising executives say that the power of an ad is in the “white space”. Think of the Nike “Just Do It.” ads. Those words were even more powerful because they were surrounded by lots of white space.

When it comes to managing your calendar, time management experts say you need lots of white space there as well. Do you tend to jam-pack your calendar from 8am to 5pm without giving yourself a single minute to re-group, eat lunch, or return phone calls? Plan for a little white space so that unexpected events, meetings, or requests won’t send you spinning into a state of overwhelm.

Block off a ½ hour at the end of your day for planning and clean-up. Treat it like an important meeting that cannot be missed. Use the time to straighten your desk, return phone calls, empty that email box, and plan for the next day. Adding some white space into your time management strategy can lead to better work habits, creative breakthroughs, and a more organized life.

How do you schedule white space into your daily routine? I’d love to hear your ideas.