Road Trip Rules

Matchmaker Mary Monday Road Sign 1I spend a lot of time on the road (I’m headed to the Midwest this week!), and it just so happens to be my favorite way to travel. Unlike flying, I don’t have to share my seat with an overbearing stranger, worry about random cancellations, or risk getting sick from all those germs incubating in a sealed cabin. Most importantly, driving means I can bring all the bags I want at no extra fee. You see, I tend to over pack for…well, everything. But, I can easily stuff all of my stuff in any truck, car or SUV . Take that, Jet Blue.

Whether I’m driving alone or with a friend, I’ve found that there are some road trip rules that should always be followed. Here are my top five tips for a safe and fun road trip. Break them at your own risk!

  1. Always make sure your valuables are INSIDE the car before you drive off. You never want to reach for your sunglasses at a stoplight, only to remember the last place you put them was on top of the roof, next to your coffee cup. (Not that I’m speaking from experience…ahem.)
  2. Use the restroom every time you stop, even if you don’t need to. There’s something about driving away from a gas station that makes the urge kick in immediately. The farther away you are, the worse it gets. (Trust me!)
  3. Learn how to read an actual map. Most GPS devices come with a sick sense of humor. They just love to lead you off the Interstate and down dark roads lined with cornfields for no apparent reason. (Isn’t that GPS voice annoying? “Turn around when possible…”)
  4. If you’re traveling solo, crank up the tunes. If you’re traveling with someone, crank up the tunes. Tunes are a necessary part of a road trip and your travel companions can either rock out with you, or walk home. The choice is theirs.
  5. Pack a cooler full of snacks and drinks. Sure, you can raid gas stations and rest stops for grub, but candy cars and potato chips get old after a while. Hard to believe, I know, but it can happen. Plus, if you do end up in the middle of a cornfield, it might be a while before you find a gas station.

Of course, the most important rules to follow while on the road are highway signs. These contain important information that will keep you safely trucking along. Take these prime examples, which clearly have your best interests in mind:

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Happy Monday,