Mondays Are for the Birds

In Friday’s Thought for the Weekend, Bob shared a joke that reminded me of the old saying: “Some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you’re the statue.”

This got me thinking about pigeons. The birds are almost universally hated, but it’s no wonder! They poop everywhere, they carry diseases, they travel in gangs, and they work as thieves and thugs, swooping in to steal your last French fry or waiting for the perfect moment to use your head as target practice.

Matchmaker Mary Pigeon How To

I mean, let’s face it Angry Birds isn’t nearly as fun when it’s real:

Matchmaker Mary Pigeon Angry Birds

Pigeons aren’t afraid of anything–they relax on electrical wires! And, do you know what it sounds like when pigeons cry? No, you don’t. That’s because pigeons are so bad ass, unlike their sissy cousins, the doves, they never cry.

Then, there is the way they strut their stuff like they own the park. Even though I loathe them, I have to admit, they do have swag.

Matchmaker Mary Pigeon Swag

Now, there are some people who love pigeons. Burt from Sesame Street comes to mind. (Do you remember “Doin’ the Bwak…Bwak Pigeon?”) There is also the author of this blog post who wrote 21 Amazing Facts About Pigeons.

Scientists tell us that pigeons are actually really, really smart. In one study, they found that a single bird can memorize and remember 1,200 pictures. In fact, pigeons are so intelligent they even conduct job interviews in fast food restaurants! After all, such positions are highly coveted:

Matchmaker Mary Pigeon Interview

But, it goes without saying….the pay is for the birds!

Happy Monday,