Sitting at the Kids’ Table

Lots of families have them. There are so many brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins, everyone cannot possibly fit at the dining room table. So, off in the corner, or over in the living room, or even on the porch – there is a kids’ table.

Sometimes, it’s just a rickety card table with folding chairs; other times, it’s an elaborate miniature version of the main attraction with special treats, decorations, attractions and distractions. There are those who embrace the kids’ table and those who think that sitting at the kids’ table table

As for me, I’m pro-kids’ table. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a season devoted to kids of all ages. Everything from the music to the holiday decorations to the magical world of Santa and his elves, is designed to bring delight to curious, hopeful, jolly young souls. In my experience, kids prefer the kids’ table – Who wants to stay quiet and mind their manners with serious (read: ‘boring’) adults, when you can laugh and joke with like-minded children?

In that spirit, I’m getting ready for some fun with my kids by brushing up on Thanksgiving jokes. Here are some favorites:

Q: Why do pilgrims have trouble keeping their pants up?

A: ‘Cause they wear their belts on their hats!

Q: What is the turkey’s favorite black tie celebration?

A: The Butter Ballkids table

Q: How does a turkey drink her wine?

A:In a gobble-let

Q: What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?

A: Plymouth Rock!

Q: Why do turkeys eat so little?

A: Because they are always stuffed!

Q: What did the turkey do in the Thanksgiving Day Parade?

A: He played his drumsticks!

Talk turkey with the kids this weekend,

And, from the entire Matchmaker Logistics team, Happy Thanksgiving!kids table