Lessons from the Light Side

Matchmaker Star Wars WisdomAs we gear up for the newest Star Wars movie, it’s hard not to catch the fever. First of all, it’s spreading around our office. Tickets for opening night went on sale October 19th, crashing movie-ticket websites like Fandango. Folks went to the theaters to get their tickets in hand, and some even started turning them over on eBay! Scalped tickets for opening night showings in major cities were going for up to $1500.

I don’t know how I feel about all that. I’m a Star Wars fan, for sure. It was the movie for young guys when I was growing up. I was 13 when the first movie premiered in 1977, and I must have seen it five times. I haven’t kept up with all the sequels and prequels, but the excitement over these new ones has me intrigued.

Still, I can’t help but feel like there’s something a little “dark side” about selling tickets to one of the best family movies of all time on eBay for several grand. I’d love to take my kids to see the film on opening night, but I’m not willing to commit Han Solo-level acts of smuggling to do so!

After all, Star Wars isn’t just about entertainment. The story contains a lot of valuable lessons about the importance of staying true to one’s self and being good in the face of great evil.

I’m not the only one to notice, either. Bloggers who write about everything from personal reflection to business strategy have found meaning and lessons in the original trilogy. Recently, Scott Edinger wrote an article for Forbes.com titled: Seven Executive Leadership Lessons In Honor Of Star Wars Episode VII. The lessons he shares tie in nicely with the learnings from Matchmaker’s annual staff training earlier this month. I encourage you to read his thoughts on some of these Star Wars-inspired ideas:

• Let go of attachments.
• Calm is powerful.
• The most powerful devote time to honing their skills.
• Fear is the path to the dark side.
• Do or do not. There is no try.

I’d also like to add a lesson of my own:

• You can’t have a blockbuster every day, week, or year.

I think one of the most important things to remember about Star Wars is that it’s far from George Lucas’s only movie. Like anyone, he’s had stunning successes and forgettable failures. So, if a look back at your week seems more Howard the Duck than The Empire Strikes Back, don’t worry about it. Take the weekend to re-evaluate. Maybe catch a movie – if you can get tickets!

May the Force be with You this weekend (and always),

Star Wars