Not Just Waiting for the Sun

Matchmaker VP Bob Skane reports on how the company is responding to the economic downturn.

Matchmaker is feeling the pinch just like virtually everyone else. However, we are not waiting for things to improve. We are positioning ourselves to come out of the recession sooner and stronger than our competition. Essentially, we keep our standards high and do the things that have made us successful for 28 years.

Building relationships…on both the customer and carrier side of the business. We continue to strengthen and expand our network of shippers and carriers. I have no doubt that when this market turns there will be a significant truck shortage. By continuing to treat carriers with fairness and respect, we will increase our supply of available trucks and benefit our shipper customers.

Continual Improvement. There is no sitting still in life. Yes, we all need to cut costs during these times but we cannot stop investing in our people and our technology. We recently upgraded our operations software and our customer management software. We provide ongoing training to our employees to ensure they have the knowledge and tools to offer our customers superior service.

Patience. As an economy we lived beyond our means for years. We overbuilt and now the economy has to digest our excesses of the past. It will take time, but the sun will rise again!