Tuesday Tips- What’s on your Agenda?

I recently read this phrase that drives home a great point: “There is no such thing as time management; only event management.” One of the best ways to manage your time (when it isn’t yours to control) is to make sure the meeting (or event) is well managed. That’s why you should always:

Ask for an agenda.

Meetings can be a major time drain. Have you ever sat in a meeting wondering why you were there or thinking about the million other things you should be doing? When you get a meeting request, no matter who it is from, ask for an agenda. If the meeting organizer doesn’t have one, you shouldn’t go (unless it’s your boss, in which case you may want to reconsider!). Without an agenda, there is no clear reason for a meeting. No one but the organizer knows what is being discussed, who is reporting, what the deliverables are, and what the desired outcomes should be. Asking for an agenda before you ever step foot in a meeting will maximize time and send productivity soaring.

How do you maximize your meetings? We’d love to hear your ideas…