Who Is This Kiki, Anyhow?

Whoever she is, she’s about to get a challenge of her own!

Like Bob (and the rest of the internet), I’ve been following the Kiki challenge. Admittedly, I wasn’t into it at first. I don’t listen to a lot of Drake, and I generally try and stay away from anything that lands people in the hospital or gets them hit by passing cars. But what can I say? Something (or, ahem…someone) got me interested.

(It was this Dancing Dentist.)

dancing dentist

Dr. Rich Constantine of Constantine Dental is currently my #1 crush. I know Drake gets a lot of attention from the ladies, but I have to give Dr. Constantine credit. I normally dislike going to the dentist, but I might have to change my mind!

There’s something about a handsome man with a sense of humor that has me thinking I’m serious need of some dental work! It doesn’t hurt that he’s somewhat local. (It’s only a 5-hour and 20 minutes drive from my house to his office – I could get there and back in a day….)

I decided to do some additional research on the good doctor, via his website, and was shocked at how much we have in common. We both have ties to West Virginia; I’m from the Carolinas; he lives in the Carolinas! How could it be that we’ve never met?

I’d give Dr. Constantine a call to introduce myself if I thought he’d pick up – with over 40 million views in just four days (and climbing!) I’m sure his phones are ringing off the hook.  Thankfully, he hasn’t let his fame go to his head. He recently appeared at a local school to have a dance off with a young student. (Could he be any cuter?)

Oh, well. I’m married (Hi, honey – I love you!); he’s married – so I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I just hope that eye candy doesn’t lead to cavities!

Happy Monday,