Questioning My Career Choice

This week is all about questions: A transportation video that promises five of them and delivers more than 30, as well as my own personal questions like: “How did I get roped into this?” and “Why isn’t my own life this easy?” Let me explain:

Recently, we unveiled our first video in a series about our industry and how it works. We released the video, entitled “What is a Freight or Transportation Broker?”, the same week that “What Does the Fox Say?” by Ylvis became an internet sensation.

In fun, I suggested that if we got even one-millionth of the 157 million views that song had at the time, I’d dress up like a fox too. Well, it happened, and my staff held me to it! (Incidentally, the song now has nearly 237 million hits, which means that our one-millionth part statistics are lagging behind!)

Here I am, dressed up as the star of the video. As I donned my fox hat and make-up and posed for photos, I thought: “Why isn’t freight brokerage this easy? If only I could get 237 million freight prospects by dressing up in a silly fox costume…”

Alas, that is not the life of a transportation broker, even if he is classified as an “all-star” (watch our new video below to the very end to see what I mean).

In our second video, we under-promise and over-deliver big time! The video is called: “Top 5 Questions You Should Ask When Choosing a Transportation Broker”, but we actually cover more than 30 questions in just two-and-a-half minutes:

Have I learned my lesson about hedging bets with TFTW (Thought for the Weekend) readers? In response, I offer another question: “WWTFS?” (What Would The Fox Say?)

Do whatever it takes this weekend,
