Dancing Queen

dancin kellyettesIt’s not just the season to celebrate mothers, fathers and graduates, it’s also the season for dance recitals.  A rite of passage for many kids, especially in my home state of North Carolina, I remember my own debut as a baton twirler in the 70’s.

Our group was formed by my babysitter, Kelly, a pageant queen who twirled fire-y batons as her talent.  She recruited my sister and me to join her group of protégés, the Marching Kellyettes (that’s me in the green leotard on the right).

At just eight years old, I was one of the younger members of the group, which ranged in ages from 7-16, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to be in charge.  I liked to march right out front and I planned to get just as many medals on my sash as the older girls.  Leadership qualities, competitive spirit–yup, not much has changed, except the fact that you’ll never, ever see me in a green leotard again!

That’s why I think this video of a 6-year-old North Carolinian at her dance recital went viral.  With 14 million views and counting, this little one demands “R-E-S-P-E-C-T”, showing the spunky, sassy, playful, take-charge woman she will probably be in about twenty or thirty years.

dancin queen

If, however, our younger selves foreshadow the adults we will become, someone might as well call Social Services on this tiny dancer right now:
If you’ve ever had to sit through an interminable dance recital, you know how welcome comic relief (in any form) can be.  I think mommy blogger Meredith Gordon said it best with her article entitled: 20 Things Parents Think During Kids’ Dance Recitals.

dancin princess

Happy Monday,
