Charlotte Lickfeld

Carrier Sales Representative (Extension 126)

Charlotte Lickfield, Carrier Sales Rep

Hailing from New Jersey, Charlotte Lickfeld has lived many professional lives over the years, thanks to her curiosity; her desire to learn; her optimism; and her sense of adventure. Charlotte’s jobs have included: Assistant Librarian, Pharmacy Tech, Home Care Scheduler, and Garden Center Cashier, just to name a few. It makes sense that two of her favorite mottos are: “Change is good!” and “Everything is figureoutable” (Marie Forleo).

Through conversations with Ron, her truck-driving husband, Charlotte got a feel for the logistics industry. One day, Ron spotted a classified ad and told Charlotte: “You’d be perfect for this!” Indeed, she applied and landed a position with Matchmaker Logistics, where she quickly learned the ropes and graduated from Dispatcher to Carrier Sales Representative, her current role.

A Scorpio with Aries rising, Charlotte loves books and music – and by extension, Amazon Prime. When she isn’t home waiting for her next package, you might find Charlotte in her Subaru Outback, headed across the state to visit her daughter in Asheville, NC. Their favorite mother-daughter bonding experience? Going to concerts together.

In addition to being a wife and mom, Charlotte is also an awesome aunt and a friend that’s up for almost anything. She says: “I’ve been blessed to share great times and good laughs with incredible friends both in New Jersey and in North Carolina. And, one of the things I love most about my job with Matchmaker is getting to make new work friends across the country!”

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