Posts Tagged work entertainment

A Fish Out of Water

On Wednesday night, I was asked to sit on a panel of social media “experts” for a forum sponsored by our local university during “MBA Week”. Although I do not consider myself to be an “expert”, I am a social media “convert” who has seen first hand how blogging and using platforms like Facebook enhance our relationships with our customers. That said, there were times when I felt like a fish out of water–I mean, I have t-shirts older than the panelist who sat next to me! When an attendee asked the panel: “What’s

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My Very Expensive Buns

Why do hamburgers fly South for the Winter? So they won’t freeze their buns off!!! Years ago, that joke used to be funny; now it’s simply untrue. When I moved to Alabama six years ago, all of the locals told me: “It never snows here.” Apparently, Mother Nature was waiting for my arrival. It has snowed at least twice a year since I moved to Alabama–from a light dusting to the Polar Vortex Snow-pocalypse. Whenever a storm is on its way, panic sets in at the local grocery stores. As one person quipped on

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Would You Do This For Love?

Forget hearts and flowers and chocolate. At Matchmaker Logistics, we’ve discovered that we’re not a very romantic lot, at least in the traditional sense of the word. When it comes to sweeping, grandiose gestures worthy of a blockbuster romantic comedy, well…we’ve got nothin’. And, I’m certainly not like Bob Cary, the photographer (above) who traveled the country in a pink tutu just to make his wife laugh during chemo. (Watch the video and learn more about The Tutu Project here.) As rock icon Meatloaf sings: “I would do anything for love, but I won’t

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My Own Olympic Dreams

Football season may be over, but thankfully the Olympic Games are here! As a fan of all sports (my husband says I missed my calling; I should have been a sports broadcaster), the Olympics is near and dear to my heart. My eyes well with pride every time the United States delegates enter the Olympic stadium during the Opening Ceremonies. When Dorothy Hamill won the gold medal for figure skating in 1976, I was one of the millions of young girls who sported her signature bob. I swear that hairstyle was more popular than

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The Danger of Switching Sides

When it comes to the way we work, Matchmaker Logistics has a “distributed team.” Articles like 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should be Distributed and Why Distributed Teams are Making Your Traditional Office Obsolete tout the benefits of this model where a company has both traditional brick-and-mortar offices (ours are in Wilmington, NC and Bessemer, AL) and employees who work virtually (ours work from Virginia and Indiana). Among other things, this set-up allows us to hire the best people no matter where they live and use the latest technology to communicate. For this reason,

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Local Boy Makes Good

Since my beloved Steelers didn’t play in yesterday’s Super Bowl, I rooted for players instead of teams. Both the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos had players with ties to my roots in North Carolina. Russell Wilson (#3) played both football and baseball for NC State from 2007-2011 before transferring to Wisconsin University for the 2011 season and the signing with the Seahawks in 2012. But Nate Irving, linebacker for the Denver Broncos (#56) is native of Wallace-Rose Hill. As we Carolinians would say, Wallace-Rose Hill is just a “hop, skip, and a jump

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I Wanna Be Like Jim

Jim Cantore, of the Weather Channel, that is. He’s been nicknamed the “Rock Star of Meteorologists,” and this week he secured his place in the Rock Star Hall of Fame. While broadcasting live from the College of Charleston on the deep freeze that paralyzed much of the South, a local college student tried to “video bomb” him. Apparently this kid was hoping to create the next great viral news blooper. The unidentified student got his wish, just not in the form he was expecting…. As the student runs and screams toward him, Jim responds

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This Installment Brought to You By Mary’s Husband

Hi y’all. Dale here. Mary’s husband. After weeks of being teased by my wife in her weekly column, I thought it was time to speak out. Do I mind Mary’s jokes about my gift-buying skills, my cooking, my nursing and my housecleaning? Not one bit. It take a lot more than that to ruffle my feathers. My Mary Frances is a fine woman and a true Mother Hen. She takes people under her wing, she cares for everybody, she gives generously to others, and, yes, she rules the roost. Don’t you dare get water

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My Biggest Bloopers

Before YouTube, there was America’s Funniest Home Videos. At its height in the early ’90s, AFHV received more than 2,000 VHS tapes a day. Our country fell in love with real people making real blunders, mistakes and bad decisions. In fact, the show has become ABC’s longest running prime time television show, a pop culture mainstay. Accidentally knock the mayor into a lake during a civic awards ceremony or fall off the roof while pretending to be Santa, and if someone catches it on video, one of your most embarrassing moments could go from

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Pass the Whine

Last week was not my week. It included two visits to the ER, a broken ankle, a severe concussion and a sinus hemorrhage. My husband has been charged with playing nurse and family cook. His “cooking” has consisted of: fast food burgers, KFC, pizza and boiled hot dogs. His “nursing” is equally skilled. Let’s just say that his bedside manner needs a little more improvement and a lot less ‘whine’. Somehow, despite my broken ankle, I still managed to put a pot roast in the slow cooker one day so we would have at

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