Posts Tagged work entertainment

Talk About Embarrassing!

Note from Bob: This week, our long-time employee and office comedienne, Mary Nicholas, is our guest writer for the Thought for the Weekend. Enjoy! Murphy and I are good friends. You probably know his laws, including: “If something embarrassing is going to happen, it’s going to happen to me!” Truer words have never been spoken. On a recent business trip to Bay City, Texas, I was looking forward to meeting Karla. Karla and I have worked together for years, but this would be our first meeting in person. I got dolled up for the

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The Moral Low Ground

Often, my observations in our weekly Thought for the Weekend touch on some pretty heavy topics: trust, patriotism, theft, failure, gratitude and parenthood. Our company culture has made doing the right thing as routine as riding a bicycle for me and all of the members on our team. But talking about doing the right thing without sounding cliche, preachy or self-important feels like riding said bicycle on a tightrope. I hope that I succeed at this tricky balancing act more times than I fail, but since I endeavor to spend much of my time

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