Posts Tagged work entertainment

Ironman, Diets and Little Debbie

If you’re a regular reader, then you know that Matchmaker Logistics has been celebrating the Superheroes of Shipping in 2014. Earlier this year, we all got to chose our own superhero avatars, and I selected Ironman. That would be Ironman, the cool exec with a heart of steel who fights for justice, not IRONMAN, the triathlete. For those of you who don’t know, an IRONMAN triathlon consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a 26.2-mile marathon run, raced in that order and without a break. Ummm….no thank you. Last week, at

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The Nuttiest Mother at the Zoo

Recently, my son Timothy informed me that he had to dress up as an animal for the school’s “Live Zoo” performance. My first thought was, “Live Zoo? Just come to our house for a few hours!” My second thought was, “Oh, no. I’m going to have to make an animal costume!” You betcha. There is an entire kingdom of animals at the zoo, everything from lions to alligators to elephants. For some reason, my Timothy decided to be… a chipmunk. Not only did he have to dress up as one, he had to learn

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Telecommuting– The Cat’s Pajamas

Where are you reading this email? You could be at the office, working from home, on the road, or even attending the NASTC conference. These days, thanks to technology, the new way of doing business is anytime, anywhere. According to a Forbes article, an estimated 30 million Americans work from home at least once a week, and the number keeps growing. In fact, a study by the Telework Research Network estimates the number will increase 63% in the next five years. You might be wondering how working from home could possibly be good for

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Redneck Superheroes

It’s that time of year again! Matchmaker is abuzz as Pam Pickral (Sr. Sales Carrier Rep) and I get ready to head to Tennessee for the annual NASTC conference. Last year, our Star Wars-themed booth was out of this world! This time, it’s the Year of the Superhero and I can’t wait to unveil all of the fun surprises we have in store at the Matchmaker Logistics booth! Last year, I published a Just Another Mary Monday entitled “Redneck Jedis”, which proved to be one of the most popular emails I’ve ever sent. So,

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Our Halloween Rap

What did the Mummy say as he left the office on Friday afternoon? It’s a wrap! We couldn’t resist a little candy corn-iness on Halloween. In fact, inspired by that hard-working Mummy, my talented team decided to engage in a little rapping of their own. The video stars, in order of appearance: Pam as the Electrifying D.J., Shelly as Dracula, Mary as Frankenstein, Kendra as the Witch, and Tammy as the Mummy. Enjoy their incredibly entertaining Halloween card and these Halloween trivia treats below. And, have a ghoulishly delightful Halloween weekend: TOP TEN NEARLY

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Confessions of an Introvert

Most people would be surprised to know that I consider myself an introvert. After all, in addition to writing a weekly blog, selling, and regularly speaking to business groups, I spend most weekends playing guitar and singing onstage in a local cover band. Introvert? Whatever… However, it was very different when I was a child. When I started school, I stood by the door of the classroom and cried until my parents returned at the end of the day – for 3 weeks straight! When they took me for a ski lesson, the instructor

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How Freaky Is This?

Been there. Done that. Seen it before. Bought the T-shirt. Whether it’s fashion, music, or interior decor, it seems that everything old is new again. This cycle of things going in and out of style is called “The 20-Year Rule.” There was a 60s revival in the 80s, then a 70’s revival in the 90’s. Guess what I saw in Marshall’s the other day? An entire shelf of leg warmers–hello, 80s revival! We think of film and television as being less cyclical and more progressive, a sign of our modern evolution. In the 80s

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Going Under the Knife

As you read this, I’m about to go under the knife. It’s just a minor surgery; I expect to be back at work early next week. Still, as I sit and wait pre-surgery, I can’t help but think about medical mistakes. We complain about the rising costs of healthcare, but personally, I’d rather pay high prices for a great surgeon who gives A+ service, than pay low prices for one who does C- work. Surely you’ve heard the horror stories: people getting the wrong organs removed, the wrong legs amputated, or medical instruments left

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Think Pink

Last week, I talked about the Pumpkin Spice craze that sweeps the nation this time of year. But October isn’t just a month of celebrating orange orbs, it’s also a time to think pink. I was reminded that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month when I pulled up to my favorite fast food establishment on October 1st for a breakfast biscuit and a sweet tea. The wrapper on my straw read: “Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow” and the actual straw was…you guessed it…pink! Indeed, everywhere you look in the month of October, you’ll

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Pumpkin Spice Whatte?

It’s only the first Monday in October and I don’t know about you, but I’m already over the pumpkin craze. You’d think I’d just be getting into it, since Halloween’s right around the corner and fall’s finally in full swing, but I’m a purist. I believe pumpkin belongs in a pie. I also blame “seasonal creep,” a handy term used to describe the annoying way seasonal treats are starting to show up way too early. For example, friends were bragging about their first Pumpkin Spice Lattes way back in August, while I was still

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