The First and Last Tuesday Tip with Mary

If your day has been anything like mine, you’ve been swamped! As for me, I’ve been working with my colleague on a freight challenge; I’ve been revising job descriptions with our Office Manager; I’ve been trying to hit my quota for sales calls; and my 15-year-old son just called to announce that he’s tired of babysitting his 6-year-old brother and could he please go to a friend’s house instead? Oh, and by the way….what’s for dinner?

After telling my son: “No” and “Spaghetti”, I got back to worrying about coming up with an idea for the Tuesday Tip, a duty I inherited as a part of our team’s recent restructure. So, here’s my tip: Be Yourself.

That’s why this will be my first and my last Tuesday Tip. For one thing, Tuesday Tip with Mary doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. But the real truth is: If I manage to make it to work wearing matching shoes, rock it out in the office all day, and get home at night before my 6-year-old shaves the cat, it was a really good day. Dispensing advice on productivity or researching cool life hacks….well, that’s just not me.

From here on out, I’m going to write to you on Mondays instead of Tuesdays. I’ve decided to call my weekly email: Just Another Mary Monday, which is my own spin on that Bangles’ classic Manic Monday. What will I write about? That remains to be seen. But whatever the topic, it will be 100% Mary. That’s a guarantee.