Warning: This is NOT Your Typical Fuel For Thought

Over the years, we’ve written over 600 of these posts to share information about our industry and our company. We’ve also endeavored to send light-hearted observations, entertaining stories, and news that celebrates the power of positivity. We have intentionally steered clear of politically-charged topics. We love and respect all of our friends and clients, and we recognize that we all come from different walks of life, and, at times, opposite ends of the political spectrum.

But today’s post is different. It contains strong language and a strong stance. You have been ever-so-respectfully warned:

In just 1:37 seconds, comedian Michael Che uses several expletives, but he says it humorously and says it best. I suppose this is why Ellen DeGeneres and many others shared this same clip on their social media platforms. In his 2016 comedy special, Che addressed the core issue that everyone has been talking about since George Floyd’s horrific death: Black Lives Matter. It is interesting to note Che’s brother is a police officer with the NYPD and he shared in a recent interview with Seth Myers that he is saddened and dismayed that this clip from his special is even more relevant in 2020 than it was in 2016:


Our stance is clear. Racism cannot be tolerated and racial justice is long overdue. It’s time for all of us (and by “us”, I really mean white people) to identify impactful ways we can make a difference in correcting the systemic inequality that still exists in our country. And that begins with having the courage to engage in real, solution-oriented conversations.

If we feel uncomfortable (as I felt writing this email, searching for the ‘right’ words), that means that just maybe we’re starting to get it right. If I’ve learned anything in the past couple of weeks, it’s that I personally have a lot to learn. I have already starting working on this list of 75 things white people can do to promote racial justice. And, I encourage you to do the same.

Here are some additional resources that could help us all learn more, understand more, and encourage us to show unity with, and compassion for, our fellow Americans:

I usually sign off with Fuel for Thought, but this time, I hope I have provided you with fuel for taking action,

~ Bob