Posts Tagged work entertainment

I’m Stealing Mary’s Monday

Hi. I’m Shelly, the Office Manager at Matchmaker Logistics, and I’ve hijacked Mary’s Monday to share my story of surviving unarmed combat with your favorite logistics Jedi warrior: As Office Manager, I am the go-to person at Matchmaker for accounting, HR and technology. When Mary has an issue (as she did last week with our cloud-based software) she asks me to “wave my magic wand” and get it fixed. I spend most of my time in the back office waving that wand, but I recently had the privilege of attending my first NASTC conference,

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A Force to Be Reckoned With

Wow! The annual NASTC conference was out of this world! Darth Vader, a Storm Trooper, our Office Manager, Shelly, and I had a great time meeting all of the attendees. Our theme? “Let Our Force Be With You!”, which was based off of this presentation about our services. We served Edible Ewoks (Teddy Grahams), Hans Rollos, Asteroids (Hershey Kisses) and Luke Skywater to those who visited our booth. We also had C3PO H20 and Warrior Water for those who preferred a different ‘brand’. Shelly and I dressed as Jedis and we loaned our light

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Redneck Jedis

For the past week, I’ve been up to my ears in Star Wars. Not only did my youngest decided to dress as a Star Wars Clone Wars Storm Trooper for Halloween, but my colleague, Shelly, and I have been working on an intergalactic surprise for the NASTC Annual Conference in Nashville, which starts on Thursday. I won’t spoil the surprise with details, but it will be well worth coming to see our booth at the NASTC conference. As I was loading up on supplies, the cashier asked: “What on earth y’all gonna do with

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Couch Potato Floozy

After putting 1400 miles on the road for business travel and working a busy week last week, I announced that on Sunday I intended to remain in my pajamas, sprawl out on the couch, and spend the day as a true “Couch Potato.”   I told my husband that if he knew what was good for him, he’d forget any notions of being a “stud” and join me on the sofa as a “spud”. As for the children, I asked them to be well-behaved little tater tots, and warned them not to invite friends over

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Grocery Store Danger Zone

Last week I was on the road, traveling for business, and today, I’m traveling again while my hubby holds down the fort at home. This meant that over the weekend, I had to go grocery shopping. Sending my husband, Dale, would have been too dangerous. Humorist Jeanne Robertson has it right. She has a hilarious 5-minute bit on YouTube called “Don’t Send a Man to the Grocery Store!” Dale doesn’t grocery shop. He makes lots of trips to the grocery store, but this involves going in for a missing ingredient or two needed for

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Judging Books By Their Covers

We’ve heard the cliché a million times: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But let’s be honest: we do it all the time. At least, I do. Last week, I had a great reminder that I shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions: Every Thursday night, my husband and I play in a pool league. We’re on a great team and we always have a wonderful time together. But last week, we were scheduled to play in a location 45 minutes away. A location where we had never played before. And, a

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Drama with the X

Want to know what isn’t funny? Alegebra homework. My son is taking (and struggling with) algebra this year, and I’ve been trying to help him with his homework. Al-gebra. It sounds like a terrorist network, and for good reason. Variables and constants are truly weapons of math destruction. My son, who was good at math “before they had to go mixing the alphabet in it” keeps asking me why he has to learn this stuff. The only thing I can come up with is: “Algebra will be important to you later in life because

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Losing My Mind (and Other Stuff…)

The research isn’t promising. One study says we spend ten minutes every day rummaging for lost items from books to phones to car keys and even the cars themselves. Another claims we lose up to nine items every day, or 198,743 in a lifetime. I once lost a set of keys in my house. I found them three years later as we were packing to move to a new house. Twice, I’ve bought Christmas cards on clearance after the holiday season, and put them in a “special place” for the following year. Both years,

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Happy Birthday to Me?

It’s my birthday this week. And, that always makes me nervous. Not because I worry about getting older, but because I never know what my husband will come home with next. In the past, gift giving has not been his strong suit. For our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple, he got this panicked look at about 7pm on February 13th and bolted out of the house. The next day, I received a box of dark chocolate (I hate dark chocolate), a denim Tweety bird hat, and a plain grey sweatshirt. Talk about

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Helpful Husbands (in the Bedroom)

Boy, am I tired today– the kind of tired where you pour orange juice in your coffee instead of milk. And it’s only Monday. In my new role as the company VP, I’ve been working longer hours and traveling more. Add to that the nightly routine of cooking dinner, supervising homework, bathing kids, packing lunches, setting out clothes, picking up the house, reading bedtime stories and setting the coffee pot for the next morning, and I’m exhausted. By 9:30, I’m ready for bed. I mean that in the fuzzy-pajamas-and-night-cream sense, not the Biblical sense.

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