Posts Tagged work entertainment

Untangling the Resolutions Web…

This Sunday, March 1st, marks the 60th day of the year and the beginning of a new fiscal quarter. It’s also a great time to take stock of our New Year’s Resolutions and see what kind of progress we’ve made toward those lofty goals we set way back in January. If you’re thinking “Resolutions? What resolutions?” you’re not alone. According to a recent study, 50% of Americans make resolutions, but 88% of those people don’t keep them. That’s 156 million failed resolutions every year. Ouch. Here at Matchmaker Logistics, we’ve been bucking the trend

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Keeping Up with Kanye

Last night the 87th Academy Awards took place at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. While I wasn’t strutting down the red carpet, I did catch the show from the best seat in the house – my couch. Watching the Oscars is a yearly tradition in my home. We treat it less like an awards show and more like a football game. I root for my favorite films, hoping they’ll get the recognition they deserve. This year, I was pulling for American Sniper to win Best Picture (as much as I liked 50 Shades of

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Snowballs, Avalanches, and Tsunamis

Last week, those of you in the Northeast had your share of snowballs, but since the New Year, I’ve been focused on a snowball of a different kind. You see, this year, I vowed that 2015 would be the year I paid off all my credit cards. I’m embarrassed to admit that in the past I’ve been one of those people who gets suckered into that in-store marketing when the sales associates asks: “Would you like to save 20% on your purchase?” I open a store card and the next thing you know: “Mary

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The Best Super Bowl Ever

As you dust off your team jersey, stock the fridge with your favorite beers, and perfect your nacho recipe for this Sunday’s Super Bowl, I’d like to take to take a moment to remember the best Super Bowl of all time. The year was 1991. The Buffalo Bills were playing my favorite team, the New York Giants. The game was held in sunny Tampa, Florida. None other than Whitney Houston kicked things off with her famous rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.” And while all those details are pretty great, they aren’t the reason

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Frog Legs for Breakfast in 2015

With 2014 coming to a close, I have goal-setting on my mind. I love setting goals, mostly because of how great it feels once I crush them. Sometimes I even make really easy goals, just for the satisfaction of checking them off my to-do list. “Wake up.” Check! “Eat breakfast.” Check! “Get dressed.” Check! Just like that, I’m on a roll! New Year’s Resolutions, however, are much more daunting. Although I like the idea of creating a plan for the coming year, my experience confirms what statisticians report– only 8% actually achieve what we

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Holiday Cheer on Wheels

Each December I find myself amazed, impressed, and, to be completely honest, a little jealous of the talent some people have when it comes to decorating for the holidays. In my home, we keep things pretty basic – a tree in the living room, a wreath on the door, and a few stockings hung over the fireplace. I was feeling good about our level of holiday spirit, until I drove to the grocery store to buy some eggnog and passed a car sporting a pair of reindeer antlers and a shiny red nose. Forget

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Rejection Therapy

This past Saturday, the Matchmaker Logistics team gathered for a day-long staff retreat followed by our annual Christmas party. As we reviewed our progress in 2014 and set new goals for 2015, the discussion turned to a highly charged topic: fear of rejection and how it impacts our lives, both professionally and personally. “I really needed a new office chair; the old one was hurting my back”, shared one employee, “but I was afraid to ask for it.” (At the urging of a co-worker, she finally had, and I immediately authorized the purchase of

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

On Thanksgiving Day, it happened. Radio stations all over the country temporarily switched to a 24/7 all-Christmas music format. This year, in the United States, more than 500 radio stations will be playing holiday classics through Christmas Day. I happen to love Christmas music. Who doesn’t enjoy Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” or Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”? But there are certain songs I just cannot tolerate, like those dogs who bark “Jingle Bells”. According to a survey conducted by Edison Media Research, I am not alone. The novelty version of

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Home Alone

As many of you know, my family does Thanksgiving a little differently. Every year, we head to the hills of West Virginia to spend time at Deer Camp with our nearest and dearest. I usually play the role of fry cook, which means during my “vacation” I’m up every day at 4AM, getting a huge breakfast of ‘taters, eggs, venison and biscuits ready to fuel everyone through a long day of deer hunting. It reminds me of this Mom who “vacations” at the beach! This year, Dale and the boys are heading to the

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Let’s Talk Turkey

“Let’s talk turkey!” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard before, usually when things are about to get serious. But where did it come from? Why do we say it? And what on earth does turkey have to do with serious business? While the origins of this saying aren’t clear, according to some historians, the Pilgrims would often ask Native Americans for advice about this strange new land. Many of the conversations centered on the supply of wild turkeys, and it got to the point where, whenever a colonist approached a Native American, he would

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