Posts Tagged work entertainment

The Cat’s Meow

Have you ever had one of those days where you look at your pet and think, “I’d sure like to have his life.” Our 11-year-old, 20-pound cat, Sir Sir is sort of like Garfield – large, in charge, and always looking for his next meal. When it’s finally feeding time, he likes to lie down in front of his food bowl and eat one morsel of dry food at a time. Shasta, on the other hand, our 6-year-old Pomeagle (Pomeranian and Beagle mix) gulps down her dinner the second the bowl hits the floor, while

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A Dog’s Life? A Roadie Weighs In

As you may already know, I play guitar and sing in a band. Our group is fortunate to get more work than we can handle; in fact, this summer we’re booked to play almost every single weekend. I like to think that practicing my passion for music by being in a band keeps me young. My wife might counter with this joke: “A child says: ‘Mommy, when I grow up I’d like to be a guitar player.’ His mother replies, ‘Well honey, you know you can’t do both.’ I feel like my best (and

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Behind the Wheel at 16

Today, my oldest son, Denver celebrates his 16th birthday. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday he driving his “little tikes” car around our yard; now, he will be driving his F-150 on the road. As a birthday present, we’re giving Denver his Dad’s 2006 truck; friends and family gave him (much appreciated) gas money. Denver is proving to be a good driver, but that isn’t stopping my husband from wanting to put a bumper sticker on the back of the truck that reads: “How’s my driving? Call Dad at __________

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Starting Monday Off On the Right Foot

Want to drive your friends and co-workers crazy? Issue this little mind-boggling challenge. I couldn’t believe it when I tried it myself, and if you’re anywhere near as stubborn as I am, you will keep trying to see if you can outsmart your foot. Trust me, you can’t. 1) While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. 2) Now, while doing this, draw the number ‘6’ in the air with your right hand. 3) Your foot will change direction. And there’s nothing you can do about

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Braving the Green Pool

Have you ever heard of a pool cover? My husband and I haven’t. Or at least that’s what you’d think. We own a pool cover, but somehow, it didn’t make it on our pool this year. We should have been more conscientious, because as we often joke: “our pool is our only liquid asset!” Nine months later, after a blustery fall, a brutal winter and a cold spring, our swimming pool looked less like an asset and more like a science project gone wrong. So, this past weekend we bravely climbed in to that

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Say What?

“Time to grab your go-go juice, check your coloring book, and hit the super slab. Don’t forget to pay the cash box, and flip your ears on – just in time to hear the news about some gator guts on the road-watch out! Hit the road long and hard all day and make sure you stop at the mandatory chicken coop in Jacksonville. When you’re done for the day, carry on right through to Miami and park at the TA for the night.” Right now I bet half of you are nodding your heads

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School’s Out for Summer

Friday, May 30th, was the last day of school for my two sons.  They couldn’t be more excited, and to be honest, I’m pretty happy too.  The boys are looking forward to everything they will be doing this summer: hosting pool parties, playing video games, staying up late and sleeping in.  But I’m I’m excited about all of things I won’t be doing:  rushing home to supervise homework; running to the store for poster board at 8pm for a project due the next morning; and stressing out over their grades. Although I’ll be relieved

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Hot Diggity Dog

After a challenging 2005 summer season, Hebrew National, the hot dog company, needed to get back on track and generate strong sales. Their mission was to step up to the plate as a mainstream, national brand and find a way to attract new consumers outside the traditional kosher-consuming population.  Their solution?  Appeal to uncompromising parents who served their family only the best and were willing to pay more for it.  They created commercials intended to teach people how kosher practices ensure only the best cuts of meat….”no ifs, ands, or butts.”“Butt humor” seems to

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Marriage Tune-Up

This past weekend my husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. If you’d told me 17 years ago that today, I’d be happily married to Dale, sporting a new pair of diamond earrings thanks to my thoughtful husband, I wouldn’t have believed it. You see, when I met Dale I was already engaged to another man. I even moved away to marry that guy, but I knew in my heart that he wasn’t the one. I broke up with my fiancé and came home to Dale. It was the best decision I’ve ever

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Camping Versus Glamping

This past weekend, my family joined two other families for a nice weekend at a local campsite here in Alabama.  My family was one of two that was camping–tents, sleeping bags, flashlights and battery-powered radios.  The other two families opted for glamping–RVs with A/C, TV and other creature comforts. Speaking of creatures, I shouldn’t lead you to believe that I am hardcore camper.  I abhor snakes, lizards and tree frogs and would prefer to camp in places where these creepy crawlers (and slitherers) didn’t exist.  But, it’s worth putting up with them to enjoy

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