
Billboards on Wheels

Early summer isn’t just produce season, it’s also road trip season, which means whether you’re a professional driver or a Sunday driver, you’re probably logging more hours behind the wheel than usual. As we haul our own precious cargo to camp sites, amusement parks, and more, long stretches of highway (and rambunctious children in the backseat) can make the hours seem very long. I don’t know about you, but by the hundredth mile on the same stretch of road, I’m desperate for something to wake up my brain and make me think. Maybe that’s

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The Office Wise Guy

On the bookshelf right beside my desk, I have a book entitled: Learning to Laugh at Work, The Power of Humor in the Workplace. I picked it up at a management training seminar, and have consulted it repeatedly over the years. It’s an “In Case of Emergency, Break Glass” title I consult in the midst of crises and work-related drama; the book reminds me that you should always keep your sense of humor. Office humor is important, so important that not just books, but entire movies (Office Space), television shows (The Office) and cartoon

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A Musical Revolution

Summer vacation is here, but all my two school-age daughters want to talk about is American History. Alexander Hamilton, to be precise. They’re not alone; the whole country seems to have Hamilton fever, thanks to what might be the most popular musical in decades. Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the now Pulitzer Prize-winning musical sets the life of the aforementioned founding father to a hip-hop score, portraying Hamilton and his crew as a bunch of sharp-tongued, ambitious freedom fighters. For the Tony Awards this weekend (the Tonys are like the Oscars of Broadway, for the

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The Sting

I was stung by a wasp. Inside. My. Home. Yes, you read that right. I was working from my home office, and decided to take a short break and grab a snack – one of the benefits of working from home. I was in the basement kitchen, fixing my snack, when I noticed the bag of onions my husband brought home the day before. Onion skins were flaking everywhere and so, I decided to pick up the bag and do a little kitchen counter clean-up. While holding the bag, I felt something sharp digging

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‘Tis the Season – For Produce

There are certain seasons that cause dread among many; winter and tax season are two that come to mind. But those of us in the transportation industry tend to grow anxious at the beginning of another season – produce season. It’s not that we don’t love fresh fruits and veggies as much as everyone else, (my seven-year-old daughter being a notable exception) – we do! But, hauling tons of quick-to-spoil produce can put a lot of stress on trucking capacity. Every year, shipments that are completely standard for the other nine months of the

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That’s Meme in the Spotlight!

Andy Warhol was once quoted as saying, “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” It may have sounded silly in the age of television and print ads, but now, with the internet, I’m starting to think he might have been on to something. I’ve introduced you to selfies, hashtags, photo bombing, face-swapping and now it’s time to review memes. Memes (rhymes with teams) are viral photos, concepts, or catchphrases that spread across the internet primarily with the intent to make people laugh. Around here, we like our memes. They add another

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The Spirit of Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend is a joyful time for many of us. Pool parties, beach trips, and cookouts remind us that summer is nearly here, and longer, sunnier days are ahead. But as we all know – Memorial Day is about a lot more than just long-weekend fun. It is a time to honor those soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. While we love a happy, returning-home-from-deployment video as much as the next person, it’s important to remember that not everyone gets to experience that. On Memorial Day, we honor the lives

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Swindled in Vegas

I have a bad case of buyer’s remorse. Regular readers know that I pride myself on being a savvy shopper. I’m always on the hunt for the best deals, and I can smell a clearance sale a mile away. Yet in Vegas, aside from those all-you-can-eat buffets, screamin’ deals are harder to find. When I arrived in Vegas, I’d noticed a crack in my phone screen and was determined to get it fixed before my phone sustained more damage. Thankfully, only the screen protector needed replacing, but that can easily run $40-$50! On the

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What’s Your Number?

What’s your favorite number? Do you stick with Lucky Seven? Blackjack’s 21? Or, maybe you like to live dangerously, so you choose the number 13. People pick their special numbers for all sorts of reasons: a child’s birthday, a wedding date, or even digits that seems to pop up frequently as one goes through life. Some cultures even ascribe spiritual meaning to the numbers in a birth date or the number of letters in one’s name. Here at Matchmaker Logistics, we like this number: #160202. It’s our Motor Carrier number, a number readers in

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A Case of Stolen Identity?

I get it. I write about my fabulous trip to Vegas; someone decides they want to live the Mary lifestyle; and then, that person up and steals my identity! Not really – but it did seem like I was the victim of a very strange case of identity theft in the form of an unexpected pay cut and an IRS mix-up. That’s right, Matchmaker recently received a back taxes wage garnishment for me from the state of North Carolina. With late penalties, it came to the tune of nearly thirteen thousand dollars! That was

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