Posts Tagged work entertainment

Warning: Your Mouth Will Water

On Easter weekend, I cooked up a storm, making ham, ham rice, homemade potato salad, deviled eggs, beans, and homemade banana pudding. When I say ‘homemade’, I mean it. There is no instant pudding and Cool Whip happening at my house! I make an old-fashioned banana pudding from scratch, the way my grandmother taught me- real vanilla custard cooked on the stove with whipped meringue to go on top. Everyone at our house enjoys banana pudding, including me. In fact, I had to give a few bowls away because it kept calling my name

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The TIA Conference

Next week, I’m headed to the TIA conference in Orlando, FL. It is billed as the world’s largest gathering of third-party logistics providers, and is a great opportunity to learn new things, connect with others in our field, and discover the latest tools available to our industry. I’m looking forward to it, and if you plan on being there too, please drop me a line so we can connect. I have to confess, I waited a little too long to book my hotel room. The hotel hosting the conference is completely sold out, which

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From Tragedy to Triumph

From Tragedy to Triumph

So, this is it.  Tonight’s the night that the Wisconsin Badgers face off against the Duke Blue Devils, deciding which college team wins the title of NCAA 2015 Champions.  For me, the biggest tragedy of this season’s March Madness was the game on March 26th where my beloved Tar Heels were knocked out of the running by the Badgers.  I had pool league that night, and the TV was turned to the game just for me – I yelled so much at that screen, I think I scared some of the patrons away! Win

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Some Easter Bunny Really Messed Up!

Some Easter Bunny Really Messed Up!

Okay, you got us! It seems we’re not nearly as clever as the Easter Bunny when it comes to hiding things. To get to know our shipper and carrier customers better, we implemented a new habit of asking a Question of the Week during our business conversations: “Do you own pets? Who will win the Super Bowl? Which college basketball team do you cheer for?” Some of our savvy clients caught on to our habit of asking a weekly question. It wasn’t long before shipping customer and friend, Amanda (shout out to one of

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Unfortunate Air Show Disasters

Unfortunate Air Show Disasters

I love jets. Always have. Growing up I had F-14 Tomcat, F-16 Falcon, and F/A-18 Hornet model airplanes flying from my bedroom ceiling. It was like watching my own miniature air show each day. Although I dreamed of being a fighter pilot when I grew up, it turns out that I work in a different mode of transportation. I love the logistics industry, but there is still a part of me that would give anything to be going Mach 1 in a brand new F-22 Raptor (the jet that is now replacing the F-16

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Flag-Waving Fury

Over the past few weeks, this flap over flying the flag at the University of California-Irvine student government center had me seeing red, white and blue. If you didn’t hear the whole story, here’s the condensed version: At the first of the year, an American flag appeared on the wall at UC-Irvine’s sitting lounge. Instead of serving as the symbol it is intended to be, the students turned it into a symbol of their own power struggle: some students wanted to leave it up and some wanted to take it down. On March 5,

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The Winter from Hell- A Horror Story

As of today, it’s officially Spring. I think most of us will agree that it couldn’t come soon enough. Between steady snowfall, ice storms, and freezing temperatures, the past season was a doozy. Of course, I don’t need to tell you this – folks in our industry know better than most how tough winter can be. Even Stephen King recently tweeted his appreciation for America’s hardworking long-haul truck drivers. It turns out the famous author of over 54 books, including classics like Carrie, The Shining, The Stand, and Under the Dome, has a soft

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Lord of the Class Rings

In 1988, when I got my class ring, I splurged on a 10-carat gold band, which ran me about $300.00. It was a lot of money back then, but it was worth it. I loved high school, I wanted something to commemorate it, and let’s be honest – I’ll take any excuse to buy something shiny, sparkly, and made of gold! So when my boys brought home their class ring catalog last week, I told myself that I would spoil them a little. After all, I know how important a class ring can be,

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Can Your Brain Do This?

If you’re a regular reader of these emails, you already know that I spend a lot of time talking about superheroes (of all shapes and sizes) and their amazing powers. Sometimes I even get a little jealous, wishing I had the ability to leap over tall buildings in a single bound – I’d never get stuck in traffic again! On Monday, Mary’s email about color perception reminded me that I do have a superpower, one that’s better than anything Spiderman, Batman, or the Hulk could cook up. Best of all, you have it too.

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Missing My Monopoly Money

A few weeks ago I decided to play a game of Monopoly with my friends and family. It was my first time playing in several years, and most of my memories involved trying to get out of jail-preferably for free. So you can imagine my surprise when we opened the game and instead of wads of paper bills, I was handed a miniature debit card. After all the progress I’ve made on my credit card debt this year, I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. After I got over my shock, I

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