Posts Tagged work entertainment

Droning On

We used to have to wait– for film to develop before we could see a photo, for banks to open before we could withdraw money, in DVD rental store lines so we could watch a film. Not anymore. The age of instant gratification is here, and with instant streaming, instant downloads, and instant sharing comes the desire for instant products. Thirty minutes or less worked for pizza and Chinese food. Can it work for corn chips, tennis shoes and car parts? The buzz is drones. Developed initially for observational use, and used today by

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Saying No to Puppy Love

A few weeks ago, my youngest son, Timothy, found a brown and white puppy in our yard. Sure, it was cute, but this wasn’t my first time at the rodeo. I know how much work a puppy is (our current dog was supposed to belong to our older son– guess who takes care of it now?). Two pets, a dog and a cat, seem like more than enough to me. “Can I keep him?” Timothy asked, all wide-eyed and sweetness. “No, way.” I shook my head. I wasn’t about to let another pet slip

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Strengthening the Safety Net

Strengthening the Safety Net

I’ve written before about how theft is rampant in our business. While I’ve joked about a few criminals who aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, the truth is that many of the felons targeting cargo-filled trucks are running sophisticated operations. Staying on top of the latest scams can be a full-time job. This video discusses nearly a dozen of the precautions we at Matchmaker Logistics take to protect our shippers from fraud. I believe that one’s safety net can never be too strong, which is exactly why we recently signed on with CargoNet.

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Road Trip Rules

I spend a lot of time on the road (I’m headed to the Midwest this week!), and it just so happens to be my favorite way to travel. Unlike flying, I don’t have to share my seat with an overbearing stranger, worry about random cancellations, or risk getting sick from all those germs incubating in a sealed cabin. Most importantly, driving means I can bring all the bags I want at no extra fee. You see, I tend to over pack for…well, everything. But, I can easily stuff all of my stuff in any

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Revealing My Middle Name

Some people hide their middle names. Others prefer them: Ashton Kutcher, Debra Winger, Reese Witherspoon, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery, Clark Gable–all use their middle names, not their first. Historically, middle names are a relatively new trend. They didn’t become popular until the middle of 19th century. In fact, only 3 of our first 17 presidents carried middle names: John Quincy Adams, William Henry Harrison, and James Knox Polk. These days, most modern people (and Presidents) sport middle names or at least initials. Speaking of initials, did you know that Michael J. Fox’s middle name

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Breakfast, Lunch, and (Labor Day) Hugs

Although Labor Day weekend evokes happy thoughts: trips to the beach, family barbecues, the first football game of the season, the word “labor” without the “weekend” doesn’t have the same connotations. At least for most of us. Yes, “work” is a four-letter word, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be joyful or meaningful. After all, the original intent of Labor Day was to acknowledge the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. In that spirit, I wanted to share the story of one worker with an attitude I

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Pig Skins and Pork Rinds

In only five days time, history will be made–history that will have a huge impact on my household. For the first time ever, the West Virginia Mountaineers and the Alabama Crimson Tide will do battle on the football field. The two teams will play at this Saturday’s Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game at the Georgia Dome. What a way to kick off the college football season! Since Alabama and West Virginia has never played each other, our allegiances have never been an issue. But this weekend, I’ll be rooting for Alabama and my husband, Dale, will

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Divine Intervention in the Clearance Aisle

Ask me to name my greatest skills, and “clearance shopping” will be high on the list. My husband may be a better shot during deer season, but when it comes to bargain hunting, I win, hands down. If you need proof, check out some of my trophies: Expensive laundry detergent for just 94-cents a bottle. A few dozen rolls of Charmin Ultra Soft toilet tissue at half-price. A $75 hockey jersey I scored at Ross for my youngest child, marked all the way down to $3.99. Who cares if no one in Alabama knows

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The Truth Goes Up in Smoke

Thanks to the magic of the Internet, we have a billion facts and figures at our fingertips. Although the information superhighway is pretty amazing, it’s also full of potholes and wrong turns: believing everything you read could get you into trouble pretty fast. Wikipedia, for example, is the sixth most visited website in the world. It bills itself as “the free encyclopedia,” but there’s just one problem – you get what you pay for. According to a recent study from Penn State, 60% of Wikipedia entries contained factual errors. Even the Wikipedia entry titled

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A Picture Perfect Pizza

“No one cares what you had for lunch.” When social media first started gaining momentum, this was a common criticism. But years later, millions of social media users disprove this every day, posting and commenting on pictures of what they are cooking, eating, or drinking. In fact, Instagram reports upwards of 50 million Americans share post food photos each day, enough to warrant its own term: “foodstagramming.” Recently, I was one of those foodstagramming fools. For dinner one night, I made homemade pizzas for my family. They were a huge hit, and I was

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