Posts Tagged work entertainment

Lunchbox Dad

We’ve finally moved back into our house, despite the fact that our remodel is far from complete.  Currently, our fridge and toaster oven are in our garage, which is serving as our temporary kitchen.  It sure makes for an interesting morning routine:  I pour milk into the cereal and toast the English muffins, deliver breakfast inside the house, and then head back to the garage to work on packing the kids’ lunches.  I’ve always been in charge of lunches, but my repertoire consists of basics: bananas and peanut butter, Lunchables, and occasionally some reheated

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Here Comes the… Bridal Bloopers

It’s that time of the year again. Right now, someone you know is probably looking for the perfect dress, getting fitted for a tux, reserving the limo, or planning a honeymoon. This weekend, I had the honor of kicking off wedding season as a guest at the wedding of my friends, Jennifer Brown and Michael Townsend. The bride was beautiful, the groom looked sharp, and the wedding cake was delicious! As I sat at my table during the cutting of the cake, I was reminded of all the other weddings I’ve been to, and

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My Alter Ego

Bionic vision. Supersonic hearing. And “Spidey sense.” Sound like the superpowers your Mom had when you were growing up? At Matchmaker Logistics, it is the Year of the Superhero and mothers definitely top the list. Read last year’s Mother’s Day blog post where kids talked about moms and their “magic” superpowers. At Matchmaker, we’ve also been getting in touch with our inner superheroes. To accompany our sales presentation, we’ve created our own superhero avatars. In the online world, an avatar is a graphical representation of one’s self. Some people use their own photos; others

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Barenaked Brotherly Love

The year was 1992.  I was at the bowling alley on Friday night playing with my league.  Color Me Badd’s greatest hit “I Wanna Sex You Up” starts playing on the loudspeaker.  I turn around and there is my brother, Merrill, doing a strip tease for a lady’s 40th birthday party a few lanes down.  My team never let me live it down. This is a tale of two older brothers.  As the story above illustrates, my brother Merrill is crazy like me.  In his younger years, he worked as a male stripper with

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The Big 5-0

In just a few days, I turn fifty. I can still remember how excited I was when I turned five.  Technically, I should be ten times more excited.  But at fifty, there will be no balloons, bounce houses, pony rides or Pin the Tail on the Donkey.  Instead, I’ll be moving my family back into our home after several weeks of temporary apartment living during a major remodel.  That’s life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. There are those who deny their increasing age:  “I’m not fifty. I’m just 5 perfect 10s!” or“I’m actually

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Play Ball

I love to talk football and basketball, but I also speak fluent baseball.  They’ve only won one World Series once (in 1995 against the Cleveland Indians), but the Atlanta Braves are my team. The beauty of being a female baseball plan is that I can appreciate a perfectly executed double play, but I can also appreciate how cute Dan Uggla looks in his tight white pants.  Of course, that’s not the only reason he’s my favorite player.  Check out one of his other talents in this photo. Uggla, however was not my first baseball

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The Godfather

“A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.” ~ Don Corleone to Johnny Fontane   Last weekend, I had the privilege of becoming a godfather once again.  My eldest daughter, Emily, and I took a great father-daughter trip up north for Weston’s christening.  Weston’s parents are close family friends; in fact, Weston’s mother is godmother to my youngest girl. For many people, just hearing the word “godfather” brings up images of The Sopranos or classic mafia movies like The Godfather and Goodfellas, even though a godfather’s duties have very little to do with granting

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Gone Fishin’

Last weekend, our family joined friends for a fishing excursion on their pontoon.  Our first boating and fishing trip of the year lasted all afternoon and evening; we even brought along a small griddle to cook hot dogs for dinner right on the boat!  Our family loves a little competition, so we created contests for the first fish caught, the biggest fish caught, and the most fish caught. My husband, Dale, was the winner with 9 fish. I managed to catch three, despite casting my line into the trees, not once but twice! The most

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How Do You Like Them Apples?

Granny Smith apples. They’re my favorites. Pair them with some peanut butter and you’ve got one of the best snacks ever. I love fresh fruit and vegetables, but this time of year, the sight of all of those towers of apples, oranges, strawberries and blueberries greeting me at the grocery store is enough to send me home with some bottled “fruit” for dinner. Why would anyone get stressed out at the sight of shiny, red apples? Well, if you work in transportation you know that produce season makes our jobs a lot more difficult.

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Mustang Mary

My very first car was a 1966 Nightmist Blue Mustang Coupe.  One of my Dad’s co-workers sold it to me for $1500.  I flipped a lot of burgers at my part-time, after-school job to pay for that car, but it was well worth it.  Daddy and I drove three hours to Carolina Mustang on Chatham Street in Chapel Hill, NC, where we purchased everything we would need to restore my new baby–fenders, a gas tank, quarter panels, floor pans, seat covers–the works.  I can still seeing us installing those seat covers using our straight

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